InformazioniChi sono i Santi?Le RegioniCittà e PaesiDove stareCome viaggiareContatti | Catholic Saints Calendar The calendar of patron saints and cities in Italy |   |  | | The BEST SELECTION of Calendars in the Known Universe VIEW MORE CALENDARS
Here is the heart of this website, the catholic saints calendar, the starting point of your exploration of Italy. It is a calendar of patron saints and cities in Italy, which means that each day, together with saints names, gives you the name of the city, town or village where that saint is celebrated, with a link to its page. Through the catholic saints calendar you'll be able to discover and learn about hidden gems and traditions that you would never learn about in any other way. See it like a game! A treasure hunt where each place on the treasure map can reserve you a nice surprise. Read on to learn how to use this calendar. At the moment the website, as well as this calendar, is being completed. Use also the menu on the left to browse the website and click on the orange button above the menu to receive all updates and new pages as soon as they get added, so you won't miss any. Come back often to visit the calendar of patron saints and cities in Italy. You can also use the following search box to search the whole website. How to use this calendar Of course, first of all you can: - choose a date and find out in which comuni (municipalities) there are celebrations for the patron saint. To change month, click the right or left arrows at the top, then click the saint’s name to see details and a link to a map and to the description page. Click the link and read the page about the comune and its patron saint. As an example, see 1st May, Saint Ephisius, or 27 September, Saints Cosmas and Damian or 14 February, Saint Valentine.
You can also change from the agenda view to the monthly view. I prefer the agenda because you can see the saint and place name at the same time. ***googelbanner468x60.shtml*** | | The Calendar is being updated Use this search form Cerca nel sito
| Many more searches | But there are many more searches that you can do in this catholic saints calendar, you only need to register with , click Google's button. I highly recommend you to do it, it’s free and you can organise your appointments and add your favourite comuni and celebrations to your own calendar. Once you’re registered, see all the searches you can do, you only need to type words in the search box that will appear. - type a saint’s name, for example your name, and see where that saint is celebrated or which place has that saint’s name and when there is a celebration
or - type a comune’s name that you know and see when that place's patron saint is celebrated.
All saints names in the calendar are in Italian, so if you want check how they are written, go to the names pages (female saints and male saints). Many places in Italy have in their name what is their characteristic (although other places may have that characteristic but don’t have the word in their name), so you can search for it if you like. For example you can type: - Terme (spa), to find places where there are spas
- Castel (castle), to find places where there is (or was) a castle
- Acqua (water), to find places with spring or other important waters
- Corte (court),
- Palazzo (palace), to find places where there is (or was) an important palace or castle, according to an old meaning of the word
- Porto (port, harbour), to find places with harbours, either on the sea or along rivers
- Isola (island), to find islands; (you can find all islands of Italy which are a municipality, even if they don’t have the word in their name)
- Torre (tower), to find places with a tower
- Monte (mount), to find places with a mount, big or small
- Colle, Col (hill) to find places on a hill
(remember that in the results you'll find comuni that have that word in their name) or - you may want to search a whole Province (type its abbreviation like MI or NA) or even a whole region, to see when there are patron saint celebrations in the area that you are going to visit.
Once you've read the descriptions of a few places, you can decide which place you'd like to visit, so you can contact them for more information. So, if you haven't done it yet, register with Google Calendar, just click the button to be able to do all your searches in the Calendar of Patron Saints and Cities in Italy. Enjoy your search and your discoveries!
------------- With this other form here you can find bed and breakfasts and also hostels, campsites. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Italy at any time of the year! | When you contact these comuni let them know you found them on | Go from the Catholic Saints Calendar to Home | |